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Showing results 145 - 156 of 285

Marine protected Areas In the Atlantic arc

The project aimed to: 1) share experience on how to draw up management plans for activities which take place in existing marine protected areas (MPAs) and thus fulfill the nature conservation objectives that justified their designation; 2) define and implement joint...

  • 2012
Marine protected Areas Network Towards Sustainable fisheries

Demersal stocks in the Mediterranean Sea are affected by overfishing and a poor exploitation pattern, with high juveniles fishing mortality and high production of discards. In this context, a spatial-based approach to the management of fishing effort which (i) minimises...

  • 2019
Mapping Ireland’s Invasive Marine Species.

The project represents a part of the Blue Growth & Marine Planning Scheme, established under the Union Priority 6 (Integrated Maritime Policy) of Ireland’s EMFF Operational Programme. 

Invasive Alien Species (IAS) are recognized in numerous regulations as a key cause of the...

  • 2021
MARine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning leading to Ecosystem Services

The European Union and its Member States (MSs) have a fundamental need to understand how biodiversity and ecosystem functioning must be maintained to ensure that they deliver ecosystem services, goods and benefits, which in turn must be sustainably used by...

  • 2026
From MARine Ecosystem Accounting to integrated governance for sustainable planning of marine and coastal areas

The ecosystem-based approach (EBA) is a strategy for the integrated management of land, water and living resources that promotes their conservation and sustainable use in an equitable way. EBA is a cornerstone of many EU directives but to date there is...

  • 2022
MAREFRAME Co-creating Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management Solutions

MareFrame is a EC-funded RTD project which seeks to remove the barriers preventing more widespread use of the ecosystem-based approach to fisheries management. This entails development of new tools and technologies, development and extension of ecosystem models and assessment methods...

  • 2017
MAritime REgions cooperation for the MEDiterranean

MAREMED aimed to strengthen the horizontal coordination of regional (sub-national) coastal and maritime policies, as well as their vertical coordination with policies implemented at the national, Mediterranean and European levels. The project focused on coastal and maritime issues characterised by...

  • 2013
Underwater archaeological heritage and tourism in Macaronesia

The Margullar regional cooperation project aims to conserve, protect, and promote the underwater archaeological heritage of the Macaronesia islands through the creation of a new tourist product.

The project helps to improve, energise and diversify local tourism in the different...

  • 2020
Marine Investment for the Blue Economy

MARIBE is a Horizon 2020 funded project which explored cooperation opportunities for companies that combined different Blue Growth and Blue Economy sectors.  The project aims to unlock the potential of multi-use of space and multi-use platforms in the Blue economy...

  • 2016
Marine Knowledge Sharing Platform for Federating Responsible Research and Innovation Communities

The MARINA project will engage citizens, researchers, policy makers, industrial and societal actors in order to share knowledge, include the citizens’ vision and societal needs, create a synergy between research and innovation and the environmental safeguard. The Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) process will achieve these objectives...

  • 2019
MARINA Platform

MARINA Platform is a European project dedicated to bringing offshore renewable energy applications closer to the market by creating new infrastructures for both offshore wind and ocean energy converters. It addresses the need for creating a cost-efficient technology development basis...

  • 2014
MARine INfrastructures EFFects

Today, coastal infrastructure, such as seawalls, quays and groynes, present on the Channel coast are not designed to  incorporate habitat for marine species or conserve and protect coastal and transitional ecosystems. Instead they serve only human activities: transportation, fishing, coastal development...

  • 2023