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Showing results 1 - 12 of 40

Sharing marine and coastal cross management experiences in the Adriatic basin
The project promotes the sharing of marine and coastal management experiences in the Adriatic basin in order to foster the definition of a coherent and systematic planning and to contribute to the achievement of EUSAIR objectives.
  • 2016
Developing of Motorways of Sea system in Adriatic region

AdriaticMos contributed to the development of the Motorways of the Sea (MoS) in the Adriatic area as a core segment of the transport system of the Eastern Mediterranean, in particular through the elaboration of the Adriatic MoS Masterplan. The project...

  • 2014
ADRiatic Ionian maritime spatial PLANning

ADRIPLAN aimed to deliver a commonly-agreed approach to cross-border MSP in the Adriatic-Ionian region, considered as a whole and more specifically through two Focus Areas: (1) Northern Adriatic Sea; (2) Southern Adriatic/Northern Ionian Sea.

The proposed approach was developed with...

  • 2015
ShARed GOvernance of Sustainable fisheries and aquaculture activities as leverage to protect marine resources in the Adriatic Sea

ARGOS sets up a common framework for governance where all Institutions competent for fisheries and aquaculture in the Programme area act as a whole in the management and protection of shared biological resources, under the best scientific guidance.

So the...

  • 2023
Promoting small-scale fisheries and aquaculture transnational networking in Adriatic-Ionian macroregion

ARIEL project is jointly promoted and developed by 9 scientific and institutional partners of 4 Countries (Italy, Croatia, Greece and Montenegro) and focuses on small-scale fishery and aquaculture which are two key drivers for blue and sustainable growth of Adriatic...

  • 2020
The BLUEMED initiative fosters integration of knowledge and efforts to develop the Blue Growth in the Mediterranean basin, promoting joint actions on relevant research and innovation priorities. Its Agenda (SRIA) identifies three major groups of twelve key challenges that need to be addressed, as well as a set of goals and a wide list of actions to achieve those goals.
  • 2021

Blue4All is focused on the analysis of the MPA process comprising all steps needed to successfully conserve and/or restore biodiversity by means of MPAs and other effective conservation measures (OECM). These steps comprise :

  • designation (i.e., delineation, eventual enlargement, identification...
  • 2026
Coastal Area Management Programme
CAMP is oriented at the implementation of practical coastal management projects in selected Mediterranean coastal areas, applying Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) as a major tool.
  • 2008
Climate cHallenges on coAstal and traNsitional chanGing arEas: WEaving a Cross-Adriatic REsponse

The project explores climate risks faced by coastal and transition areas, contributing to a better understanding of the impact of climate variability and change on water regimes, salt intrusion, tourism, biodiversity and agro-ecosystems affecting the cooperation area. The main goal...

  • 2021
ClimVar & ICZM - Integration of climatic variability and change into national strategies to implement the ICZM Protocol in the Mediterranean

ClimVar & ICZM is a complementary project to the MedPartnership. It is a collective effort to promote the use of ICZM in countries sharing the Mediterranean Sea, as an effective tool to deal with the impacts of climate variability and...

  • 2015
CO-EVOLVE - Promoting the co-evolution of human activities and natural systems for the development of sustainable coastal and maritime tourism

CO-EVOLVE aimed to analyse and promote the co-evolution of human activities and natural systems in touristic coastal areas in the Mediterranean, allowing for the sustainable development of touristic activities, based on the principles of Integrated Coastal Zone Management and Maritime Spatial...

  • 2019
COASTANCE – Regional action strategies for coastal zone adaptation to climate change
The COASTANCE project is implemented within the European MED programme. Its main aim is to develop practical tools to manage the coastal zone adaptation to Climate Change according to the sectoral foremost European policies such as ICZM, the IMP, the MSP Directive, the Adaptation to C.C., etc.
  • 2012