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Showing results 1 - 12 of 42

Demonstration of large scale seaweed cultivation at open sea and the positive effects thereof on the ocean

Agriculture has been developing for millennia, but on the oceans hunting and gathering is still the norm. The project consortium sees opportunities for sea agriculture (i.e. seagriculture or mariculture) - more specifically the cultivation of seaweed - as it is...

  • 2022
Bringing Land and Sea Together
BLAST was a regional project for better integration of information across the coastal margin in the North Sea region.
  • 2012
Blue Mining: Breakthrough Solutions for the Sustainable Exploration and Extraction of Deep Sea Mineral Resources

Earth provides natural resources, such as fossil fuels and minerals that are vital for human life. As the global demand grows, especially for strategic metals, commodity prices rapidly rise. Thus there is an identifiable risk of increasing supply shortage for...

  • 2018
Blue Nodules

Blue Nodules is a research and innovation project to develop a deep sea mining system for the harvesting of polymetallic nodules from the sea floor with minimum environmental impact.

The Blue Nodules project will develop a new highly-automated and technologically sustainable deep sea...

  • 2020

Blue4All is focused on the analysis of the MPA process comprising all steps needed to successfully conserve and/or restore biodiversity by means of MPAs and other effective conservation measures (OECM). These steps comprise :

  • designation (i.e., delineation, eventual enlargement, identification...
  • 2026
Combining Sea and Coastal Planning in Europe
C-SCOPE had 3 main objectives: develop a framework for integrating terrestrial and marine planning; tools for achieving sustainable coastal economies and environments; and stakeholder engagement to achieving commitment to ICZM
  • 2013
Collaborative Land-Sea Integration Platform

The goal of the COASTAL project is to formulate and evaluate business solutions and policy recommendations aimed at improving the coastal-rural synergy to foster rural and coastal development while preserving the environment. Rural development in the EU is increasingly affected...

  • 2022
Modèle d´évaluation du niveau de développement durable des zones côtières

One of the main outcomes of the DEDUCE project was the establishment of a network of excellence in coastal management and the use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS). The DEDUCE Network is based on the application of the EU Recommendation...

  • 2007
DEVelopment Of innovative Tools for understanding marine biodiversity and assessing good Environmental Status

The overall goal of DEVOTES is to better understand the relationships between pressures from human activities and climatic influences and their effects on marine ecosystems, including biological diversity, in order to support the ecosystem based management and fully achieve the Good Environmental Status...

  • 2016
Ecocentric management for sustainable fisheries and healthy marine ecosystems

The EcoScope project will develop an interoperable platform and a robust decision-making toolbox, available through a single public portal (The EcoScopium), to promote an efficient, ecosystem-based approach to the management of fisheries. Design and development of The EcoScopium will be...

  • 2025
Edulis: offshore mussel culture in wind farms

Edulis studies the feasibility of mussel culture in offshore wind farms, 30 to 50 kilometers off the Belgian coast. In May 2017, a first experimental mussel culture system was installed in the C-Power wind farm to monitor the mussel seed capture, mussel growth...

  • 2019
Effective Lifetime Extension in the Marine Environment for Tidal Energy

Tidal power – produced by the surge of ocean waters during the rise and fall of tides – is a major renewable energy source, but the technology is still in its infancy. The EU-funded ELEMENT project will develop a new...

  • 2023