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Showing results 1 - 12 of 13

Ecological Implications of Accelerated Seabed Mobility around Windfarms

ECOWind is bringing together experts from science, policy and industry to understand how offshore wind affects ecosystems, and the species and habitats that make them, in order to reduce negative impacts on marine life while tackling climate change.

The ECOWind...

  • 2026

Blue4All is focused on the analysis of the MPA process comprising all steps needed to successfully conserve and/or restore biodiversity by means of MPAs and other effective conservation measures (OECM). These steps comprise :

  • designation (i.e., delineation, eventual enlargement, identification...
  • 2026
Benthic-Offshore Wind Interactions

ECOWind is bringing together experts from science, policy and industry to understand how offshore wind affects ecosystems, and the species and habitats that make them, in order to reduce negative impacts on marine life while tackling climate change.

The ECOWind...

  • 2026
ECosystem-based Adaptive MAnagement for REnewable energy in a sustainable North Sea

ECOAMARE supports the development of strategic policies related to the expansion of offshore wind energy. ECOAMARE first provides an overview of the knowledge on the environmental impact of offshore wind energy, including a cumulative impact assessment and how this knowledge...

  • 2027
Ecosystem Change, Offshore Wind, Net Gain and Seabirds

ECOWind is bringing together experts from science, policy and industry to understand how offshore wind affects ecosystems, and the species and habitats that make them, in order to reduce negative impacts on marine life while tackling climate change.

The ECOWind...

  • 2026
Enhancing the marine and coastal biodiversity of the Baltic Sea in Finland and promoting the sustainable use of marine resources

Biodiversea LIFE-IP is Finland’s largest collaborative project on safeguarding biodiversity in the Baltic Sea. The project enhances the protection of marine nature and promotes sustainable use of natural resources in the marine and coastal areas of Finland.

The goal of...

  • 2029
MARine Biodiversity and Ecosystem Functioning leading to Ecosystem Services

The European Union and its Member States (MSs) have a fundamental need to understand how biodiversity and ecosystem functioning must be maintained to ensure that they deliver ecosystem services, goods and benefits, which in turn must be sustainably used by...

  • 2026
MPA Europe

The MPA Europe project (2023-2026) will map the optimal locations for Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) in all European Seas. The approach applies a holistic range of measures that includes biodiversity from species to ecosystems, habitats, and the area covers the...

  • 2026
Cooperation Governance for Next-Level Maritime Spatial Planning in the North Sea

Norsaic brings transnational Maritime Spatial Planning (MSP) in the North Sea to the next level. The project uses transnational cooperation as a key approach to govern the sustainable transition of the marine space.

The North Sea is intensely used and...

  • 2026
Physics-to-Ecosystem Level Assessment of Impacts of Offshore Windfarms

ECOWind is bringing together experts from science, policy and industry to understand how offshore wind affects ecosystems, and the species and habitats that make them, in order to reduce negative impacts on marine life while tackling climate change.

The ECOWind...

  • 2026
Improving the PERformance of MArine GOVernance in support of the EU green deal

PERMAGOV aims to streamline the implementation of sustainable marine management by focusing on cross-cutting policy priorities in key areas of transport, energy, life and litter.

The European Green Deal aims to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing Europe and...

  • 2026
Enabling comprehensive effective and efficient protection and restoration measures for a resilient Baltic Sea ecosystem

PROTECT BALTIC will function as a major contributor towards achieving the biodiversity goals of the Baltic Sea Action Plan, the EU Biodiversity Strategy and the CBD Global Biodiversity Targets in the Baltic...

  • 2028