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Implementation of the Common Information Sharing Environment (CISE) for the EU maritime domain

Available Funding:
Total budget earmarked for this action is € 2,490,000. This budget might be increased under exceptional circumstances by maximum 20%.

The general objective of the call for proposals is to support EU/EEA Member States' maritime authorities in enhancing the interoperability of their national IT systems to allow for more efficient information exchange at national level and across borders.
The specific objective of the present call is to support EU/EEA Member States' maritime authorities in developing dedicated CISE operational services enabling the suitable exchange, integration and exploitation of relevant information for their best operational use. CISE operational services should to the extent possible build upon the available (technical) CISE interoperability solutions in order to contribute to enhancing operational interoperability between users.

Eligible Applicants:

Proposals must be submitted by a consortium of minimum three organisations and the consortium leader must be a public authority.

The following types of entities are eligible to participate in the call:

  • Public authorities (national, regional, local administration) of Member States of the
  • European Union and EEA involved in the coordination and/or execution of maritime
  • surveillance activities
  • Private, non-governmental, international, regional and national entities such as:
  • research institutes, academies, relevant industry; and public entities other than the
  • ones mentioned above.
Project Length:

Projects should not exceed the duration of 24 months.

Further Financing Information:

According to the call for proposals, it is estimated that proposals requesting a contribution from the EU of maximum € 800,000 would allow the objectives of this call for proposals to be addressed appropriately. The amount requested should be consistent and proportional with the scope of the proposal (number of applicants, number of Member States involved, sectors represented, activities proposed, etc.). Nonetheless, this does not prevent submission and selection of proposals requesting other amounts.

EASME expects to fund up to 6 proposals.

EASME reserves the right not to distribute all the funds available.

For more Information:

For more information regarding the procedure do not hesitate to read the call for proposal along with its annexes.

All questions related to the call must be sent exclusively by e-mail to: (EASME-EMFF-calls[at]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu) no later than 12 June 2017 (Brussels time), indicating as subject title the call reference "EASME/EMFF/2016/".