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Determining and complementing the network of marine protected areas


Countries notes:



Calls for Proposals


Tuesday, 02 May 2017
Available Funding:
6 000 000 EUR

The aim of the procedure is completion the establishment of the Natura 2000 network in the marine areas. The procedure provides opportunity for upgrading the results achieved under Operational Programme “Environment” 2007-2013 through implementation of measures for mapping and determining the conservation status of species and habitats within Natura 2000 Network in the marine areas of the Republic of Bulgaria. The implementation of the project should create a GIS database, which stores the products of the project, and which is to be included in the information system of the protected areas of the NATURA 2000.

Eligible Applicants:

The “National Nature Protection Service” Directorate within the Ministry of Environment and Waters is a direct beneficiary under this call for proposals.

Project Length:

The maximum duration for implementation of a project under is 75 months.

There is not a requirement for minimum project duration.

The deadline for submitting applications is 02/05/2017, 16.00 o’clock local time.

Further Financing Information:

There is not a minimum amount of the grant. The maximum amount is 11 734 980 BGN / 6 000 000 EUR, including VAT. The grant covers 100% of the maximum amount of the eligible costs.

The European Fund for Regional Development provides 85% of the funding, and the remaining 15% are from the State Budget.

For more Information:

The title reference for the call for proposals is BG16M1OP002-3.005 “Determining and complementing the network of marine protected areas” (in Bulgarian: BG16M1OP002-3.005 - Определяне и допълване на мрежата от морски защитени зони).

The project proposals should be submitted via the UMIS system, available at:

The Managing Authority for this programme is the Ministry of Environment and Waters.