Join us on 5th of March 2025 for the Fisheries and Oceans Dialogues, during the European Ocean Days.
The European Blue Forum, launched in May 2023 has been working for more than a year on a diversity of topics, all converging to develop a sustainable and desirable future of the European seas. Based on its ability to mobilise its more than 600 members and engage with the ‘Blue Community and wider European Citizens on matters related to the Blue Economy, the European Blue Forum has been invited to facilitate the first Fisheries and Oceans Dialogues on 5th March 2025 (09:00 to 16:00 CET) in Brussels to gather input for the upcoming European Ocean Pact.
We invite all our members and the broader maritime community to join us in Brussels to share their views and make their voices heard about the future of European seas and help design the upcoming Ocean Pact. Share your views during our three panel sessions: Towards a Healthy and Productive Ocean, Achieving a Sustainable Blue Economy and International Ocean Governance.
Agenda coming soon
What is the Ocean Pact?
As announced in European Commission President von der Leyen’s Political guidelines for the next European Commission 2024-2029, the European Commission is preparing a “European Ocean Pact” that should ensure coherence across all policy areas linked to the oceans. The pact should look at a broader, integrated and holistic approach to ocean governnance, encompassing action towards a healthy and productive ocean and protecting biodiversity, boosting the EU blue economy and resilient coastal communities, and consolidating and extending the marine knowledge framework.
In her mission letter to the Commissioner for Fisheries and Oceans, Mr Costas Kadis, the President asks him to “organise Fisheries and Oceans Dialogues, notably to help design the European Ocean Pact in a collaborative and inclusive way and to listen to the views of all stakeholders, including small-scale and artisanal fisheries”.
Join us in Brussels! How to register?
To register for the event, you will need to register through the Mission Ocean and Waters Forum page.
In addition...
The European Commission's Call for Evidence to shape the European Oceans Pact is open until the 17th of February 2025. #Haveyoursay on the future of our blue planet.