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Cumulative Impact Tools for Maritime Spatial Planning: Current Status of European Efforts


The EU MSP Platform and OCTO: Open Communications for the Ocean are co-organising a webinar on cumulative impact tools, as a follow-up from the expert roundtable on the same topic, held on 18 January 2018. Please see the abstract below:

Cumulative impact tools can be useful for evaluating the environmental effects resulting from human activities in a given area. Several initiatives are underway in Europe to develop and enhance cumulative impact tools and assessments to incorporate the ecosystem-based approach in marine management, as called for in multiple policy frameworks (e.g., Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Maritime Spatial Planning Directive, Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Directive, and regional seas conventions such as the Barcelona Convention). This webinar will share latest developments on cumulative impact tools from Europe, including examples of their application from Portugal and Montenegro. The webinar is co-organized by the EU MSP Platform, an assistance mechanism, operating under an EU funded service contract and providing administrative and technical assistance to EU Member States in the implementation of the EU’s MSP Directive. It assists the Commission in preparing technical background information and meetings which are linked to the implementation of the Directive. The EU MSP Platform recently organized an expert roundtable on cumulative impact tools for maritime spatial planning. Conclusions from this roundtable will be shared during the webinar, including limitations and opportunities for further incorporating these tools in MSP and SEA processes.

For more information please contact cw [at] (Clare Waldmann.)