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2nd Deep-Dive workshop - ‘What does a fossil fuel free blue economy look like? How can we as a community support this transition?’


The European Blue Forum will hold its second deep-dive workshop on 16 October 2023. This workshop is only open to the European Blue Forum members. 


The question ‘What does a fossil fuel free blue economy look like? How can we as a community support this transition?’ was originally posed to members of the European Blue Forum as a panel session at the official launch event on 26th May 2023 in Brest, France. This deliberately broad question was designed to give all sustainable blue economy stakeholders the opportunity to share the challenges they face, as well as their needs for the future, regardless of the sector or type of organisation they represent.   

The launch event panel session 2 introduced the question and gathered a broad range of responses, however mostly using SLIDO polls which limited the ability of stakeholders to share details and sectoral nuances. 


The objective of this ‘Deep-Dive’ workshop is to allow members of the European Blue Forum to discuss the challenges and obstacles they are facing and their unique aspirations and requirements in decarbonising their sector, and eventually transitioning towards a fossil fuel free sustainable blue economy in the future.  

The output from this workshop will be the production of a stakeholder position paper, providing the perspectives of the entire European sustainable blue economy stakeholder group - our Blue Community.

View the 2nd deep-dive workshop briefing paper - What does a fossil fuel free sustainable blue economy look like? How can we as a community support this transition?


For those who were unable to join the workshop, we have made the recording available for your convenience. You can watch it first and then contribute valuable comments using the form here. We believe your insights are crucial to the success of our endeavour, and we welcome your input.

To our workshop attendees, we invite you to revisit the workshop content at your leisure. You have the opportunity to watch the sessions again or explore different breakout sessions from the one in which you participated. Feel free to provide additional comments or reflections.

- Opening Session -

Break out Room 1: Given current technology readiness and existing research and innovation efforts, will we achieve a fossil fuel free Blue Economy by 2050?

Break out room 2: Beyond the technology, what more should we be doing to support the transition to a fossil-fuel free Blue Economy?

Break out room 3: Who should pay for the transition to a fossil-fuel free Blue Economy?

Break out room 4: What is expected of public authorities (national, regional, local and European) in supporting the energy transition of maritime sectors and communities?

- Feedback & Closing Remarks -