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United Kingdom

MSP EU Legend 2
This map was compiled from different international sources such as EMODnet, EEA or Marine Regions. Information obtained from these sources was cross-checked with data from national sources. While compilation was carried out by the European MSP Platform, validation and quality assurance remain the responsibility of the primary data sources.
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In light of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union the content on this page is no longer being updated.

Which Maritime Spatial Plans exist?

Following the development of the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 and the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010, the UK Marine Policy Statement (MPS) 2011 was jointly prepared by the UK, Scottish, Welsh and Northern Ireland governments. The MPS provides the policy framework for the preparation of all UK marine plans and for all decisions capable of affecting the marine area. It reiterates the UK vision for the marine environment which is for ‘clean, healthy, safe, productive and biologically diverse oceans and seas’, and the UK’s High Level Marine Objectives.

The preparation of marine plans is the responsibility of the respective governments within the UK, reflecting the devolution of powers to Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland (see ‘Legislation’, below). In England, the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (DEFRA) is the statutory body for marine planning, while the body responsible for preparing marine plans is the Marine Management Organisation (MMO). The organisations responsible for delivering marine planning in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland are; Marine Scotland, the Welsh Government and the Department of Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs (DAERA), respectively.


The Marine Management Organisation is preparing plans for 11 predefined areas in England. The first set of marine plans for English waters providing more detailed, area specific guidance on marine issues. The first plans, the East Marine Plans (number 3 and 4 on map), were published in 2014. The South Marine Plans (numbers 6 and 7 on map below) were the second to be adopted in 2018. These are now being followed by plans for the North West,North East, South East and South West (please click each area name to find their proposed engagement timetable). All plans are due to be in place by 2021.

Northern Ireland

The Department for Agriculture, Environment and Rural Affairs is currently developing marine plans for both the inshore and offshore regions, which will be published as a single document, the Marine Plan for Northern Ireland. This will provide more detailed, area specific guidance on marine issues.


Marine Scotland has prepared Scotland’s National Marine Plan (2015), which provides a single framework for managing Scotland’s seas. Aligned with the UK Marine Policy Statement, it sets out strategic policies for the sustainable development of Scotland’s marine resources out to 200 nautical miles.  Scotland’s National Marine Plan will be supplemented by 11 Regional Marine Plans prepared by Marine Planning Partnerships.  These will provide more detailed guidance for inshore waters (out to 12 nautical miles). Pilot plans have been developed or are in development by the regions of Clyde, Shetlands, Pentland Firth & Orkney. The National Marine Plan will be reviewed every three years, with the first review taking place in 2018.


The Welsh Government published the first Welsh National Marine Plan on 12 November 2019. It sets out the policy for the next 20 years for the sustainable use of the seas.

MSP Legislation

Marine planning in the UK is driven by different legislation which addresses inshore and offshore regions of the devolved authorities. The Executive Devolution Agreement (December 2009) gave Scottish Ministers powers to plan beyond territorial waters out to 220nm, and resulted in two sets of primary legislation for the marine area, the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 (MCA) which requires marine planning in England and Wales, and the Marine (Scotland) Act 2010. The Marine Act (Northern Ireland) 2013 built on the provisions of the MCA for Northern Ireland’s inshore region (out to 12nm)

The marine plan authorities responsible for developing Marine Plans are the Secretary of State for the English inshore and offshore regions, Scottish Ministers for the Scottish inshore and offshore regions, Welsh Ministers for the Welsh inshore and offshore regions and the Department of the Environment in Northern Ireland for the Northern Ireland inshore and offshore regions.  Marine Plans developed within the Devolved Administrations (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) are in accordance with the current devolution settlements; policy relating to reserved matters is approved by the Secretary of State.

National MSP Authority

The marine plan authorities responsible for developing Marine Plans are the Secretary of State for the English inshore and offshore regions, Scottish Ministers for the Scottish inshore and offshore regions, Welsh Ministers for the Welsh inshore and offshore regions and the Department of the Environment in Northern Ireland for the Northern Ireland inshore and offshore regions.  Marine Plans developed within the Devolved Administrations (Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland) are in accordance with the current devolution settlements; policy relating to reserved matters is approved by the Secretary of State.



Marine Management Organisation (planning[at]marinemanagement[dot]org[dot]uk)


Scottish Government


Marine Planning Team (marineplanning[at]wales[dot]gsi[dot]gov[dot]uk)

Northern Ireland

Marine Plan Team (marineplanteam[at]doeni[dot]gov[dot]uk)