Please find on this page the background subject documents for the conference, MSP for Blue Growth: How to plan for a Sustainable Blue Economy?, held 11 - 12 October in Brussels Belgium. More detailed information can be found on the event page, or by contacting (events[at]maritime-spatial-planning[dot]ec[dot]europa[dot]eu).
Conference Issues Paper
This paper provides background information relevant to the overall conference. Conference participants were kindly requested to review the issues paper prior to the conference.
Roundtable Discussion Papers
Roundtable discussion papers have been prepared to provide background information for Session 3: Assessing Future Spatial Demands of the Blue Economy. Each discussion paper covers a different maritime sector. Conference participants were kindly requested to review the discussion papers for the sectors they selected as part of the conference registration process. If you have further comments on the roundtable discussion papers, please submit them to Javier Fernandez Lopez (mail to: (javier[dot]fernandez[at]ecorys[dot]com))