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Blue mussels, seaweed and offshore wind energy


Source: UNITED


This muti-use was implemented within the framework of the UNITED project.

In order to assess the benefits of offshore MU activities, five demonstration Pilots, of different contexts and environmental settings, are set up in the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, of which four Pilots address the combination of offshore wind farms or offshore wind research with either tourism or aquaculture. Over the course of the project the technical, regulatory, economic, social and environmental viability of the demonstration Pilots is assessed. 

The German Pilot (FINO3, North Sea) evaluates the feasibility of an offshore wind research platform, in close proximity to three wind farms, combined with seaweed and blue mussel cultivation. The Pilot examines the synergetic effects, resulting from the shared use of automated data collection, jointly obtained licenses, certified offshore staff trained to deal with operational requirements of each of the involved industries, optimized scheduling of combined logistics for maintenance, reduced energy needs and commonly defended conceptualisation of the approach to increase social acceptance of MU solutions within and beyond the directly involved stake-holders.

Stakeholder engagement

The FINO3 Platform is operated by the R&D Centre at Kiel University of Applied Sciences and is open to all institutions wishing to carry out research in offshore wind farms. Although stakeholder consultation was not legally required it was undertaken from the beginning of the project to get a wide overview of all aspects for an offshore MU pilot. The offshore MU idea was new to most stakeholder in Germany. There were no objections. The most important stakeholders were subcontractors as offshore service and installation companies, companies providing regular transfer to FINO3 via helicopter, the insurance company, diver companies, offshore shipping companies, NGOs, permitting authorities, offshore technical equipment supplier, offshore engineers were some of the many contacted stakeholders. External SH are not directly involved in the day-to-day business of the pre-operational, operational, or post-operational activities of the German Pilot. This category of SH is predominantly included in outreach activities such as interviews, workshops and webinars, where they are offered the opportunity to advice on, discuss, learn about and give feedback on particular topics, questions and conflicts. It is this community, the best practices, results, lessons learned and a generic roadmap of UNITED will be shared with, which makes them potential users of the project’s output. The German Pilot considers the following parties external SH: the offshore industry, such as wind farm operators and corresponding service providers, the licensing authorities ministries political parties, potential future investors (e.g. mussel fishermen, seaweed farm cultivators), development agencies and insurance companies, non-governmental (environmental) or-ganizations (NGO), local community, processing and pharmaceutical industry (restaurants, retailing, packaging sector), and the scientific community.

Overall the reactions were very interested, positive and would like to be informed about the development.

Regulatory framework

Wind power and aquaculture multi-use projects in Germany can take future advantage of existing political support at the national and European levels for aquaculture, renewable energy, the blue economy, and multi-use.

Located in the German EEZ and under the jurisdiction of the federal government, any installation in the pilot area must follow the planning, licensing and operating procedures regulated in the Marine Facilities Act (Seeanlagengesetz, SeeAnG) from 2017, including the latest relevant amendments of the Offshore Wind Energy Act (Windenergie-auf-See-Gesetz,WindSeeG 2017). In addition, the Decree on the Maritime Spatial Plan (MSP) for the German Exclusive Economic Zone in the North Sea and Baltic Sea (Verordnung über die Raumordnung in der deutschen ausschließlichen Wirtschaftszone in der Nordsee undin der Ostsee) needs to be considered. Offshore installations also need to comply with the Federal Nature Conservation Act (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz, BNatSchG).

However, there is currently a high degree of complexity associated with multi-use projects, which is linked to businesses’ demands for clear and comprehensive regulatory frameworks to facilitate quicker and more straightforward permitting and licensing procedures in Germany.

The German pilot was the first offshore multi-use cultivation pilot in Germany for algae and mussels in the vicinity of three wind farms with the granting of the first aquaculture-offshore-multi-use permission noted as a grand success. The activities within UNITED has created follow-up projects and activities, pursuing new technical designs and advancing both mussel and algae production in harsh offshore conditions within Wind Parks. We would like the underline the follow up project called ULTFarms, as our past efforts are continued, with the overall aim to demonstrate economic viability of the beforehand installed pilot site (

Lessons learnt

  • Decisive parameters were tested at nearshore site and allowed for adjustments before the start of the offshore experiments = importance of extensive testing.
  • Flexible schedules, adapted logistics and use of alternative handling guidelines
  • Strategic co-design planning needed for the expanding North Sea offshore wind capacity
  • Cost reductions are practicable through shared offshore personal, logistic, infrastructure, boat and helicopter trips for maintenance, affirming the synergies of combining multiple uses at sea
  • Knowledge and experience of offshore users have also to be shared to save time and improve safety
  • Establishment of crucial connections with legal authorities, ensuring compliance and creating an open communication channel to share and discuss the results of its activities is mandatory to increase trust between all involved parties
  • Standardization of infrastructure is a prerequisite for MU

Relevant links

FINO3 - research platform website

FINO2 research platform website 

Kieler Meeresfarm GmbH & Co. KG

UNITED German Pilot presentation

Business briefs UNITED: German Pilot



Eva Strothotte - FuE-Zentrum FH Kiel GmbH
Dipl.-Biol. Eva Strothotte
- Projekte UNITED & ULTFARMS -
Schwentinestr. 24
D-24149 Kiel

Fon  +49 431 218 4475
Fax   +49 431 218 4441
E-mail: eva.strothotte [at] (eva[dot]strothotte[at]fh-kiel-gmbh[dot]de) 